Anul acesta, pe data de 10 martie, la Londra vor avea loc British Academy Video Game Awards. Capul de afiş al acestor premii este Call of Duty 4, care are nu mai puţin de opt nominalizări, urmat de GTA IV cu şapte, Little Big Planet cu şase şi Fable 2 cu cinci. Iată categoriile şi nominalizările:Action & AdventureCall of Duty 4: Modern WarfareDead SpaceFable IIGrand Theft Auto IVPrince of PersiaTomb Raider: UnderworldArtistic AchievementAssassin's CreedCall of Duty 4: Modern WarfareDead SpaceGears of War 2LittleBigPlanetMetal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Best GameCall of Duty 4: Modern WarfareFable IIFallout 3Grand Theft Auto IVRock BandSuper Mario Galaxy CasualBoom BloxBuzz! Quiz TVGuitar Hero: World TourLittleBigPlanetSingStar Vol. 2Wii Fit GameplayCall of Duty 4: Modern WarfareGrand Theft Auto IVLeft 4 DeadMario Kart WiiRock BandSuper Mario Galaxy HandheldGeometry Wars: GalaxiesGod of War: Chains of the OlympusThe Legend of Zelda: Phantom HourglassPataponProfessor Layton and the Curious VillageSoul Bubbles MultiplayerBuzz! Quiz TVCall of Duty 4: Modern WarfareGears of War 2Left 4 DeadMario Kart WiiRock Band Original ScoreAssassin's CreedDead SpaceFable IIFallout 3LittleBigPlanetMetal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the PatriotsSportsFIFA 09Football Manager 2009Motorstorm Pacific RiftPureRace Driver: GRIDWii Fit StrategyAdvance Wars: Dark ConflictCommand and Conquer: Red Alert 3NinjatownSid Meier's Civilization RevolutionSOCOM: US Navy Seals Tactical StrikeViva Pinata: Pocket Paradise Story and CharacterAssassin's CreedCall of Duty 4: Modern WarfareFable IIFallout 3Grand Theft Auto IVMass Effect Technical AchievementAssassin's CreedFable IIFallout 3Grand Theft Auto IVLittleBigPlanetSpore Use of AudioCall of Duty 4: Modern WarfareDead SpaceGears of War 2Grand Theft Auto IVLittleBigPlanetSuper Mario Galaxy BAFTA Ones to Watch AwardBoro-ToroOrigameeVegeMe GAME Award of 2008 (singurul premiu acordat în urma voturilor publicului)Call of Duty 4: Modern WarfareFallout 3Gears of War 2Grand Theft Auto IVGuitar Hero World TourLeft 4 DeadLittleBigPlanetProfessor Layton and the Curious VillageWii FitWorld of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King