Wintergrasp,cea mai noua regiune din Northrend,va intruduce un nou gen open-world PvP in World of Warcraft.Ceva total diferit de obiective gen Haala sau Spirit Tower din Terokkar,Wintergrasp invita toti jucatorii la imense razboaie (PvP warfare) la cote foarte mari.Obiectivul in Wintergrasp este simplu dupa cum spun si oficialii Blizzard:" Storm the ancient titan fortress at the zone's northern edge. Attackers will have to mount an intense assault to overcome the fortress's thick walls and the point defenses that dot the towers guarding the inner keep. The defenders, on the other hand, need to rely on siege-breaking vehicles, defensive turrets, and excellent teamwork to retain ground control and prevent the attackers from breaching the keep's walls."Majoritatea cladirilor sunt distructibile asta inseamna ca vehiculele de asalt, catapultele, le pot distruge aproape in totalitate.Atat defensiva cat si ofensiva pot accesa asa zisele workshop pentru a produce unitati care ii pot ajuta la indeplinirea ofensivelor.totul v-a dura 45 de minute.Dupa ce castelul a fost distrus va fi o perioada de doua ore si jumatate,timp in care se jucatorii se vor regrupa si castelul v-a fi reparat
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